Struggling With Your Merchant Services CRM? 4 Signs It May Be Time for a Change

Do you struggle with your merchant services CRM?


There are a few common areas where a merchant services CRM can go awry.

Consider the following points when analyzing your CRM to see if a change is in order:


1) Your CRM is not adaptable.


Businesses change and CRM solutions must change with them. If your business needs are evolving then your CRM solution must adapt to meet those needs. For example, does your current CRM have the scalability you need? Is it handling your current client load with room to grow?

For best results, you need a merchant services CRM solution that can easily manage your current clients as well as clients you hope to onboard in the foreseeable future.

Additionally, your CRM must offer a measure of customization to meet your specific needs. If your CRM is failing in this important category then it may be time for a change.

2) Your CRM is not truly customer-centric.


The function of a CRM solution is to effectively manage customer relationships.  Therefore, it must be centered around the needs of your customers.

However, not all CRM solutions are created equal in this regard. Some CRMs offer little more than can be achieved by using an Excel spreadsheet. For a CRM to be truly useful, it must be, not a static customer database, but an intuitive, agile system that provides the sort of information you need to effectively manage the clients you currently have and acquire customers you hope to have in the future.


3) Your CRM does not improve your sales process.


If your CRM is not clearly helping you convert leads into sales, it may be time to look elsewhere. Properly designed CRM systems give you a complete picture of your sales funnel, enabling your sales team to quickly see where each lead is and how to move leads through the funnel efficiently. Your merchant services CRM solution should simplify your workflows and sales processes, optimizing the productivity of your sales team.


4) Your CRM is not capturing the right metrics.


Ideally, your merchant services CRM solution will provide all the analytic tools you need to accurately see exactly what is going on with your customers at every touch point.

Does your CRM accurately provide residual reporting that keeps you focused in the right direction? Does data mined from your CRM help you segment your customers into various target groups for special handling by your sales team?  If not, it is time to consider making a change to a different CRM solution.

If you would like to see how our merchant services CRM can work for your company, please contact us to begin your no-risk, 30 day trial. We understand the particular needs of the merchant service industry.  IRIS CRM is tailored to meet those needs seamlessly and efficiently. Click Here To Test Drive IRIS CRM!

CRM solutions, sales efficiency, customer relationship management solutions, merchant services CRM

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