3 Signs it's Time to Upgrade Your Payment Processing CRM

When it comes to sales, the more tools in your belt the better. However, it would be irresponsible for a business to spend on a complex system when they are a small operation. Somewhere along the way between the lemonade stand you ran as a kid and the multi-billion dollar international conglomerate you're working towards, there's a point where managing your sales team with emails and spreadsheets just won't cut it anymore.

Here are 3 signs it's time to upgrade to a modern Payment Processing CRM.

1. Too many customers to remember

For a time, keeping spreadsheets with critical information on clients is enough to manage preferences, pursue renewals, and solicit feedback. Eventually, however, decision makers should consider the trade-off to manually managing a customer database. If your team spends more time managing the information on clients rather than actually serving them, it's time to upgrade.

With a proper payment processing CRM, not only will leads be managed, your team will have advanced CRM tools to support them while ensuring customer satisfaction across the board.

2. Incomplete Customer Profile

No matter how in-tune you are with your customer base, one can not define a precise profile of targets without the advanced data compiled by a payment processing CRM.

IRIS CRM offers merchant portfolio reporting, which presents transaction, statements, and other account details in easily accessible formats. With these details and more, the sales approach can be better tailored to the needs of the merchants serviced.

3. Sales Team has Peaked

Eventually, even the best sales team reaches the point where growth is simply unrealistic. Depending on the industry, that could be 10 clients or 100 per salesman. Once you get to that point, conventional wisdom says the only way to take on more clients would be to sacrifice customer service. It doesn't have to be that way.

Quality CRM doesn't simply obtain and display data for your team to use on cold calls. A key part of the software is the highly efficient customer interaction functions: dialer activity metrics, call recording, single click dialing, automated SMS and email notifications, user-friendly UI, and a customizable workflow for the sales team.

With all these tools at hand, you can not only streamline your sales process but keep it tied in with the day to day operations of your business.

If these signs resonate with your current situation then it's probably time to look into an upgrade.

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