Sales Tips that Include a Great Merchant Services CRM

Few companies fully recognize the link between a great Merchant Services CRM and higher sales revenue. Here are a few top sales tips that directly incorporate some of the latest and most successful Merchant Services CRM trends.

Using Cloud Based Merchant Services CRM

Gartner predicts that fully half of all companies in existence will have cloud CRM deployments by the end of 2015 because by implementing a cloud based system you instantly reduce your office overhead and hardware costs. You also give your CRM the flexibility to change in real-time rather than waiting on the next software upgrade.

Using Mobile Based CRM

It is no secret that the traveling salesman will often leave behind vital CRM records at the office. There is no longer an excuse for this with remote CRM capabilities! You can now send anyone in the office to meet that client in-person - the information is available on the company iPad rather than in the head of a single salesperson.

Real Time Response to Customer Trend

Incorporating social media into your CRM workflow can exponentially increase your reaction time to new trends in the marketplace. If you always find yourself behind a competitor when it comes to new information, connecting the dots between social media and CRM, called social listening, will be your best upgrade for the new year.

Full Sales and Marketing Integration

Aligning marketing and sales seems daunting even for established department managers. One team focuses on semantics; the other focuses on groundwork. However, providing the sales team with updates from the marketing team through automated script uptake eliminates confusion. The communication works both ways - sales teams can leave notes to marketing as to what actually works. Marketing then has real information on which to base a campaign.

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CRM tips to increase sales, sales efficiency, cloud-based CRM, CRM sales tips, mobile CRM

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