Featured on the Twilio Blog - Dimitri Akhrin Builds A CRM That Moves As Fast As Sales Organizations

Dimitri Akhrin calls it how he sees it. If something’s broken, he’s going to fix it — right after he finishes telling you how broken that thing is. “Traditional reporting systems looked like Windows 95,” he quips.

Akhrin saw that bank-provided portals were siloed and clunky. So, he built a system to consolidate and streamline the daily functions of Independent Sales Organizations. His solution was IRIS CRM, which talks multiple banks and payment processing platforms through a single portal and is also a full-featured call center solution. “After implementing IRIS CRM, our clients begin experiencing an immediate increase in efficiency”, he points out.

IRIS CRM has doubled their revenue in the past seven months. They’ve signed up more clients in those months than the previous two years combined, doubling their number of clients. A wealth of ISOs rely on IRIS CRM to manage their business at scale, and at market speed.


The Communications Tools IRIS Relies On

Let’s say a sales organization using IRIS CRM gets a call from a client. An agent would see a screen pop in their browser showing who’s calling, and routes the call to the proper agent or department while pulling up the client record automatically. Managers can listen in on calls in real-time to provide coaching for extra efficiency.


When the right person picks up, call recording rules kick-in based on the client’s preset area code settings. IRIS CRM allows their clients to be in compliance with two-party recording laws with just a few clicks. Each client can set the rules of when to record calls in both directions, incoming and outgoing, automatically. After the call’s over, if it was recorded the recording will be bound to the customer record, the call length is logged and the dialer metrics dashboard is updated. Managers compare their day’s calls using IRIS’s sales metrics dashboard. They can also set up daily SMS alerts to report on customer’s spend.


The Communications Kitchen Sink

In that one workflow IRIS CRM employs the proverbial “kitchen sink”: Twilio Record, Twilio Client + WebRTC, Twilio SMS, TaskRouter, and Call Tracking.


Akhrin is quick to point out that meeting ISO’s needs with a quickness, all in one portal is critical to their success. While ISOs typically use call routing, recording, screen pops, and contextual tracking in a client facing fashion, they can also use those same features internally.

“The ability for a sales manager or sales rep to listen to a phone call of another team member and hear exactly what was said instead of through written shorthand notes, is critical,” says Akhrin. “There’s literally no ambiguity.”

Call recording gives ISOs the chance to coach novice salespeople on what makes a good call. Call routing solves common problems like salespeople forwarding calls from HQ number to their cell phone when they’re out on a trip.

IRIS CRM’s communications suite (internally and externally) is powered by Twilio. Their rapid-fire pace of product shipping is bolstered by access to documentation. “The Twilio documentation is great,” says Akhrin.

Akhrin’s team is focused on continually shipping new CRM features with a quickness. If their performance seems above the industry average, Akhrin has a response to that.

“It’s a CRM with an integrated call center on steroids.”

Learn more about IRIS CRM’s call center software.



Original post here: https://www.twilio.com/blog/2016/08/dimitri-akhrin-builds-a-crm-that-moves-as-fast-as-sales-organizations.html

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