Payment Processing CRM Effectiveness Increases Sales Efficiency

Payment Processing CRM

In the grand tradition of business school, marketing and sales departments both fall under the great marketing umbrella. In reality, these two departments or teams tend to be more like ships passing in the night. This is very unfortunate, because sales efficiency often relies on effective marketing. A payment processing CRM can bridge this gap and increase your productivity and efficiency.

According to Business 2 Community, "If you want to generate more -- and higher quality -- leads, it's up to your marketing team to create compelling content that your audience can't resist." This content generates initial contacts, but doesn't produce qualified leads straight away.

Leads need to be nurtured or cultivated in order to be come qualified and sales-ready. B2C states, "Once you have clearly defined what constitutes marketing qualified leads and sales accepted leads, you should implement a lead scoring system to quantify the sales readiness of each lead."

Finally, sales staff need to understand the behavior of each lead in order to reach out to them effectively. B2C recommends marketing provide sales with the answers to the following questions:

  • "How did they first hear about our company?"
  • "What content have they downloaded?"
  • "Which pages on our website have they visited?"
  • "Did they engage with anyone on our marketing team?"

These answers provide the sales team with the information they need to meet leads where they are and to satisfy their information needs in order to make the sale. The challenge is getting the marketing and the sales teams to communicate these details among each other.

The right Payment Processing CRM provides the communication effectiveness that increases the efficiency of your sales team. Communication between marketing and sales can be easy, effective, and automated. The merchant services CRM provided by IRIS CRM delivers tools that your sales and marketing departments need to work together efficiently and effectively. Click Here To Test Drive IRIS CRM!

sales efficiency, communication between marketing and sales, CRM effectiveness

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